NEPA Process

What is NEPA?

The National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 – often referred to as NEPA – is a federal environmental law. NEPA requires federal agencies to consider the potential environmental impacts of their proposed actions before making a decision. The Navy is complying with NEPA by preparing an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). For more information about NEPA, please visit

What is the NEPA Process?

The NEPA process refers to the various steps to be taken during the development of an environmental planning document, such as an EIS. It ensures that reasonable alternatives to the proposed action are explored, that potential impacts to the environment are thoroughly analyzed, and that there is an opportunity provided to the public for initial scoping and Draft EIS review and comment. There are two distinct phases in the NEPA process in which the public is provided an opportunity to provide input. The first phase is called “scoping,” and the second phase is when the Draft EIS is published for public review and comment.

The Navy held public scoping in January/February 2020. Public comments received during the scoping period were considered in development of the Draft EIS. The Draft EIS public review and comment period occurred in 2021 as described below.

On May 14, 2021, the Navy published a Notice of Virtual Public Meetings in the Federal Register announcing the availability of the Draft EIS for a 60-day public review and comment period. On July 13, 2021, a Notice of Availability was published in the Federal Register announcing a 30-day extension of the Draft EIS public comment period from July 13, 2021, to August 12, 2021. In response to public input, the Navy elected to extend the standard 45-day period for public review and comment to 90 days. The comment period officially began on May 14, 2021, and concluded on August 12, 2021. During this time, the Navy held two virtual (online or dial in) public meetings where information on the Draft EIS was shared and participants provided comments. The virtual public meetings were held on June 8 and June 23, 2021.

In April 2022, the Navy announced it is updating the project timeline and sequence of events. This update was in response to public comments received on the Draft EIS requesting additional details before a Record of Decision is signed. To accommodate this request, the Navy initiated a competitive solicitation process in November 2022 to select a potential master developer that can work with the Navy to provide site-specific details before finalizing the EIS. In January 2024, the Navy announced it selected Manchester Financial Group/Edgemoor Infrastructure & Real Estate (Manchester/Edgemoor) to enter into a period of exclusive negotiations for the potential revitalization of OTC. The Navy is currently working with Manchester/Edgemoor on site-specific details needed to continue the environmental impact analysis required by NEPA and other statutes.

The Navy reviewed all comments received during the Draft EIS public comment period. In response to public and agency comments received requesting additional details before a Record of Decision (ROD) is signed, the Navy began a competitive solicitation process in November 2022 to identify a potential master developer that can work with the Navy to develop more detailed site plans before a final alternative is selected. There will be additional opportunities for public involvement before a Final EIS and ROD are published.

The public may review the Draft EIS and select materials at the following libraries:

  1. Mission Hills – Hillcrest/Knox Library (215 West Washington Street, San Diego, CA 92103)
  2. Point Loma/Hervey Library (3701 Voltaire Street, San Diego, CA 92107)
  3. San Diego Central Library (330 Park Boulevard, San Diego, CA 92101)
Visual flow chart of EIS Timeline. Current stage is Final EIS.